
summer internships

Over the summer I was able to use dip my hand in a variety of internships. I don't feel like typing much (and considering my eyes hurt from reading so much type on screen), so let your eye balls relax and enjoy the work.

ok i lied. the very first small things I will show are personal experiments using after effects. short, but cool indeed. first one uses gestalt in motion.

the second is the same technique appropriated to something more practical. look mom– i'm linking content, not web pages! now that's what I call web 2.0!


vt2 envelope

I can't release the complete cd layout until it's officially released. My co-worker Dan from vt2 will send me a copy. so until then, these are some of the elements i created for the design

final design/illustration stills for animation spot

organize, edit content, replace elements within e-poster

intern work from Baylor College of Medicine –

web banners

chapter layout for textbook

layout annual newsletter. I might add my photograph was published on the back page!

layout and illustrations for another newsletter

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