
show opener data

I chose to create a show opener for a football program. considering my goal is to go into motion design, there would be nothing better for me to create a 30 second introduction for a tv cable show. There are football games that happen every week, so the idea of there being a 'football show' and or even channel, is very plausible. The purpose of a show opener is to well.. open a show. without these quick handy devices, it would be hard to know when one show stopped and another started. It should inform the viewer what sort of content will appear on the upcoming show by utilizing conceptual visuals and sound. Not to be confused with opening credits, the opening sequence should include not just text, but still and moving image. Luckily for me, there already is a soccer channel called Fox Sports World. The network always plays games throughout the week, and usually sums up the events in a news show with highlights. Usually the informational portion would appear towards the evening when people are home from work, because we all know we cant sit around and watch football all day at our jobs. During the day they show previous games for those who missed them. If the sequence is good enough, it won't need a presenter at the beginning, although there may be stills and text that reinforce the main characters or cast. The audience of course would be football lovers from all over. They would be able to sit back, kick their feet up, drink a nice cold beer and watch soccer. I in no way, shape, or form think there should be a soap opera about football starts, so my show would defiantly not be this. I was thinking something more along the lines of a highlight show or a news show that talked about the recent events pertaining to the football world. The graphics i've seen for some of these shows include people kicking balls, heading balls, and scoring with balls. When i think of soccer, i think action, and that's what ill be trying to create. I will be showing you some interesting title scenes, not necessarily to do with soccer, but that utilize image, sound, type, music, illustration, and video. as you can probably tell, i am a sucker for close textures and colors.

first i found a Slovenian show called brat bratu that has some fun ways that incorporate cut out animated cardboard

a show called six feet under.

a beautiful grease peace about the moon landing. the textures as small as this can stand for something much larger, like infinite outer space.

here is a personal favorite, dexter. It's a show about a blood splatter expert that works for crime scenes that's actually a serial killer.

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