
type findings (more)

How can I capture the dialogue of a film in a single frame? the first set is the movie City of Lost Children I photographed 1/3 of the movie's subtitles. I fidgeted with the opacity and layer property options to try and find the best combination of viewing all the type at once. They are in the order which I did them, so you can see the progression from first to last experiment.

On the second set of experiments, I thought why not get rid of the noise in the picture and deal with type alone? What can I do to compare america english with other languages? I took two songs, one from Tool, and the other from Nancy Ajram. Again I messed around with layer properties and opacity to get different results. The cool thing about Nancy's song is it's in Arabic, so you can compare Arabic type with English. I had to put color behind the top sets, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see any type at all. I was going to do this to a whale song, but it was just the same thing over and over again, "vouwomp, vouwomp. ooooooooorrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeee".


thenewprogramme said...

i think ian could sing you a whale song if you want. i hear he once owned a singing whale telegram service. weird kid, that ian.

thenewprogramme said...

the film images are quite beautiful as stand-alone objects, and i really like looking at them regardless of how you made them.

i wonder how else you can "capture the dialogue of a film in a single frame"? aren't all those south park images now captured in a single frame? i would put that in your pipe and smoke it, as the kids say. could be some more possibilities there.

generally, i think it's good for you to ponder the relationship between the single frame and multiple frames. you can do this through type, but it can certainly have implications for imagery too. so you would be treading in that water between motion and non-motion, static and dynamic, magazine as still pages vs magazine as storyboard, etc etc. stroboscopes and other rudimentary motion devices.




implied or real, captured in one frame or two or three or a million.

transferring things back and forth from motion to still, still to motion. making books into movies, movies into books.

the compressed lines of type are very interesting looking. beautiful.

single frame, compressed
single frame, decompressed (normal typesetting)
multiple frames decompressed

i'm trying to build a gradient here. trying to find the spaces in between one form and the next. but you have to make that stuff, not me.

go have fun.